Ensure Your Victory: Game Changing Strategies for Insurance Agents during the Super  Bowl Season

The Super Bowl is just around the corner. Between now and then, there are some great opportunities to score big in your industry. Millions of potential customers will gather around their televisions, computers, and cell phones. This can provide the perfect opportunity for you to put together some game-changing strategies to grow your business. You can address the Super Bowl hype with marketing campaigns that target prospective customers.

Use Creative Ads and Social Media Content
Ads or social media content with insurance themes can plug into the big game excitement. Here are a few ideas that we think can make an impact for insurance agents:
  • You might consider creating content that’s engaging and shareable, like polls, quizzes, or even contests that can encourage your audience to participate. Then you can subtly provide helpful insurance information. You’ll have to wear your creative cap.
  • On your social media platforms, you can host some type of giveaway by encouraging participants to share their posts, answer insurance-related questions, or tag their friends. Perhaps offer prices such as discounts on policies, and certain merchandise, or give away tickets to a sporting event.
  • Another idea might be to create Super Bowl infographics with insurance messages, fun facts, or situations that relate to events on game day. This way you can capture your audience’s attention while entertainingly sharing valuable insurance information.

You can be sure the Super Bowl season will generate a lot of excitement. This can be an excellent time for you to build your business with some creative marketing ideas through social media and creative ads. Captivate your audience by blending insurance messages with entertaining content. You can make the Super Bowl your playing field, and score big in the coming year with these game changing strategies.

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Emma Graham

Emma Graham is the Senior Digital Marketing Manager at Hometown Quotes. While one of the few team members who was not a former Insurance Agent, she does feel being someone who has had insurance for the past few decades gives her some credibility!


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