How Digital Currencies Have Affected the Insurance Industry
Digital currencies are splashing to the surface in different sectors of the world economy. So will digital currencies have a similar effect on the insurance industry? The fintech industry has seen digital currencies like Bitcoin coming and has been adapting to them. Blockchain technology is a digital ledger that makes it possible to keep track of assets using mathematics. It refers to a dynamic chain of independent, sequential blocks linked and secured using cryptography. The technology has been implemented in many financial sectors, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, research, and educational services.
1. Decrease in Costs

Digital currencies can be used during every stage of an insurance contract, from premium payment to claim settlement. You can store premiums in digital currency and use them as a payment method during every stage of the process. This can save on huge transaction fees. It will decrease the costs of premiums and make services more accessible to the public.

2. High-Speed Transaction

The speed of transacting using digital currency is really fast. A Smart Contract can be programmed to execute a transaction once the contract conditions are met automatically. The transaction takes place and is completed in less than a minute. This is way faster than what traditional payment methods like cash or check required. This is useful in the case of emergency claims.

3. Reducing Fraud

The insurance sector is fraught with fraudulent activities like false claims and misrepresentation of facts, among others. It’s very hard for the standard verification process to weed out such cases. Digital currencies can be used to curb some frauds related to claims. Online payments made through digital currency are more transparent and harder to falsify. Insurance companies can use a blockchain to verify the information on a smart contract. This will ensure that only genuine and accurate data is stored in the decentralized ledger.

4. Increase in Market Reach & Availability

Digital currencies have created a global marketplace. You can use the currencies to pay for international transactions. Insurance companies can leverage this and become global players. Customers can use digital currencies to remit money to any country, buy an annuity policy in any country, and pay for coverage all over the globe. This allows companies to reach customers from different countries easily and offer their services.

5. Improved Efficiency in the Insurance Sector

A policy is a complex document. It requires much effort and will take time to draft, edit and forward for approval. Often, the documents go through several hands for oversight to mitigate issues that might arise later. Digital currencies can help improve data tracking and simplify data submission. It is easier to track payments and their associated addresses. Companies can also use currencies to monitor their assets and liabilities with a data-driven approach.

Digital currencies are revolutionizing the financial ecosystem of insurance companies. You can manage policies online and verify data and information related to the policy. You can also receive and send digital currencies with ease. Modern insurance tech makes it easy for insurers and insured to transact with each other. Digital currencies have the power to solve some of the most complex problems in insurance sales, management, and business processes.

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Emma Graham

Emma Graham is the Senior Digital Marketing Manager at Hometown Quotes. While one of the few team members who was not a former Insurance Agent, she does feel being someone who has had insurance for the past few decades gives her some credibility!


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