Five Tips to Help You Leverage Communication and Establish the Perfect Sales Pitch

To become a leader in communication, one must connect with internal and external audiences. They must develop a sales pitch for all the messages they want to communicate. A sales pitch is a representation, made over the phone or in person, explaining an insurance product’s benefits to the client. This conversation takes less than a minute or two, thus being referred to as “elevator pitches.” A perfect sales pitch relays the intended message to the intended audience in a compelling manner. If one makes an excellent sales pitch, the client might be interested, and you will have more time to explain your commodity. Therefore, a sales pitch is an opportunity to begin a two-way dialogue with a client. How can communicators achieve a two-way dialogue? Here are some ways to get there:

1. Choosing the Most Important Messages to Communicate

You should know the messages that must appear in every conversation about insurance sales. It is essential to write down these messages to remember them. If one has difficulty communicating their key messages, they should use the messaging process to define or redefine what they will be saying. In a business setting, the best messaging process should include all the staff members so that everyone in the company speaks with one voice.

2. Assessing the Value of Your Messages to Your Audience

If you usually find yourself talking to your audience about your achievements, you need a proper value quotient. Revisit your selling tips—what you should express to your audience. Excellent messages communicate value and benefits, not just features. If your conversation with your audience offers compelling messages, they will know what is better or different.

3. Determining If Your Audience Is Listening and Understanding Your Messages

Consider asking for input if you are waiting to hear from your audience while delivering your messages. Do online surveys to measure your messages’ reach, penetration, and success. It would help to ask for input when communicating with a client regarding business or insurance. Ask them whether the information you are communicating makes sense.

4. Selecting Instruments That Communicate Each Message Effectively

Insurance sales require using powerful instruments to connect with one’s audience. Therefore, if one selects the best channels for communication, they are likely to add new clients and delete outdated efforts.

5. Identifying Message Intersections

Assess all the opportunities that need your value messages. Put them to work using different instruments across all platforms. Use any significant content that develops in your insurance firm to establish attention through social media, including when the CEO makes a speech, or one of your teams creates a new project with a brochure. Always remember that every communication instrument has content that can establish a user-friendly online destination.


If one implements the above tips, they will win big clients with their impressive sales pitch. Leveraging communication enables you to identify important conversation snippets for your prospects. An insurance firm can know how their top-performing insurance sales representatives handle customer objections and replicate the strategies across the team to improve sales. Will you use these tips to help you craft the perfect sales pitch?

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Emma Graham

Emma Graham is the Senior Digital Marketing Manager at Hometown Quotes. While one of the few team members who was not a former Insurance Agent, she does feel being someone who has had insurance for the past few decades gives her some credibility!


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