Social media can be a great way to recruit talented insurance agents. You can use it to advertise open positions, look for great candidates, get connected with agents looking for opportunities and more. Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you get the word out about your agency and who you’re looking for.

Use Hashtags

An easy and free way to spread the word about an insurance job posting is to create a social media post that includes hashtags like “#insurancejobs” or “#hiring” or one that references your state or city such as “#NYhiring.” As long as your post is set to be viewable by the public, it will then show up to anyone searching by that hashtag. Not sure what hashtags to use? Imagine you were searching for a job and what keywords you might look for. Then search them on social media and see what comes up; you’ll see hashtags that other hirers have been using and be able to add those to your post, too. If you want some to get started, check out this article.

Encourage Sharing

Another free way to expand your reach is to encourage your agency staff, friends, and family to share your recruitment post on their social media accounts. You’ll get more shares if you keep your post friendly, short and not too technical, and if you add in a bit of personality. For example, you might try something like this:

“The XXX Agency is hiring! Looking for experienced and motivated insurance agents to join a great team. (Did we mention free donuts at our staff meetings?) More info here: (LINK TO JOB POSTING) #insurancejobs #hiring #SoCalHiring”

Use Paid Ads

Social media platforms make it easy to create an ad, target your audience and post it in minutes. You can also pay to boost a post on Facebook, which means your post will show up in more people’s feeds, reaching those you might not have otherwise.

Since you’re paying for this service, it may make sense to first consult with a social media expert to create a plan for the timing, content, and frequency of your ads. (For example, posting on a job on a Monday morning may get you a different response than if you posted on a Thursday afternoon.) Because social media companies seem to be constantly updating their advertising options, spending this money upfront with someone who stays abreast of the current best practices can help you get the most bang for your advertising dollars.

Use LinkedIn

Designed specifically for career networking, LinkedIn is the premier social media resource for job recruiting. Here you can find out about a person’s background and experience without even having to ask for their resume. 

But before you start looking for candidates, you should first make sure your agency’s page is appealing and complete. Keep all information about your company up to date and highlight the best parts of your culture—things like workplace awards, key financial statistics, facts and figures about agent successes and so on.

Once you feel good about how you’re presenting yourself, start looking for attractive candidates by using some of the built-in filters like years of experience, location, etc. Then you can reach out directly with a private message.

Customize Your Private Message

If you do spot an attractive candidate, chances are someone else has too. To make yourself stand out in a sea of inquiries, consider how you can customize your message. Look for something you or someone else at your agency has in common with that person. Or find a fun point of disagreement that can be a conversation starter (e.g., you root for two rival sports teams). This customization will tell your recruit that you are interested specifically in them and that you’re not just spamming a bunch of inboxes.

Cull the Duds

In spite of the fact that career experts have been advising job seekers to watch what they post for years, some people still haven’t learned the lesson. Search potential new agents on social media before you reach out or bring them in for an interview; what you find may help you avoid those with obvious issues. 

One final thought: while social media can be a great way to identify top-notch candidates, you should always temper your optimism with a dose of healthy skepticism. Personality flaws aren’t always apparent online, and the best way to check for fit is to meet someone in person or via video interview.

Hometown Quotes provides fresh leads to insurance agents all around the United States as well as support and ideas to help you grow your book and your business. Call us at 800.820.2981 to learn more.


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