If you are in sales, there is a chance you are rather predictable. And as a result of this, buyers are generally more in charge than you are. The buyers have learned to recognize these sales approaches and have developed ways to deal with them effectively. Both the buyer and the seller are on autopilot during these interactions.  

For example, something as common as driving a car. How often have you been driving and found yourself mentally constructing a conversation you have to have, planning a vacation, or thinking about dinner plans? Experienced drivers allot many tasks involved with everyday driving such as steering, accelerating, and braking, to a setting of autopilot. Dealing with this situation is like the familiar cold call sellers and buyers experience. And this has in effect made the salesperson build their own barrier by being so predictable.  

In an effort to break this roadblock, don’t act like the typical salesperson. Do something that is unanticipated by trying to apply a “pattern interrupt” and keep the prospect off autopilot. Here are 4 techniques of different statements you can try to break up the monotony. 

  • Sales to Sales
    • If you are selling to another salesperson try to break the pattern by starting the conversation with, “From one salesperson to another…” This allows you to share an experience with them and puts you both on the same level. 
  • The Typical Objection
    • If you already know what the objections people have to your service, use this statement, “Look, I am sure you already have a provider and are looked after by your current vendor, but…” It allows you to share solutions to whatever negatives the prospect may have. It will take the wind out of their sails enabling you to be more successful. 
  • Answering Their Initial Questions
    • When you cold call someone they are initially thinking, “who is this and what do you want?” To disrupt this pattern start as soon as the call is answered by using their name. “Hi John, it’s Paula…” Continue with, “Can I steal 35 seconds to tell you why I decided to call you today?” Use an odd number of seconds to add suspense and by asking them if you can explain they will get the answers to their initial questions.
  • Pricing Questions or Objections
    • When someone asks about your pricing, respond with something that needs to be explained. For example, “We don’t have an hourly rate. Is it okay if I explain that in further detail?” This will allow you to explain in detail to them how your setup works and what your company has to offer. 

Dare to be different. Try them and test theories. Track which techniques work best for your industry and how many of them convert into sales conversions. We would love to hear your feedback and any other creative ways you have learned to “pattern interrupt” your calls. 


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