1. Respect their Time: I like to ask, “Do you have 5 minutes?” Most people do and when you ask them for just a little bit of their time, they feel like you’re not going to keep them on the phone forever and begin to relax.
  2. Ask what got them Interested: Don’t ask them what type of insurance policy they already have and then try to match it. Your customer came to an agent because they want a personalized result, so why not offer them one right away?
  3. Don’t assume the only reason they’re online is Price: Ask your customer lifestyle questions to find out whether they’re over or underinsured. Learn their priorities and assets to gauge how much insurance they’re willing to carry.
  4. Follow the FORM: Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Message. Get folks talking, so by the time you begin drafting a policy, the conversation seems natural.
  5. Create a Call to Action: Once you’ve made a personal connection, reassure your client that you understand their needs and will tailor their insurance accordingly. “Let’s look at your policy.”


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